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Tanglewood Forest

A Private Event Site and Recreational Area
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Usually, the last weekend of every month is a work weekend. On work weekends, members of the RGK will be present on the land, and the populace is especially welcome to come help work on community projects on the land.


Jan 18: RGK Meeting
Jan 27-28: Work Weekend
Feb 1: RGK Meeting
Feb 15: RGK Meeting
Feb 17: Work Weekend
Mar 1: RGK Meeting
Mar 11: Work Weekend
Mar 22: RGK Meeting
Mar 23-25: EH Midregin XXVI
Apr 12: RGK Meeting
Apr 22: Work Weekend
Apr 26: RGK Meeting
Apr 28-29: SCA
May 10: RGK Meeting
May 24: RGK Meeting
May 26-27: Memorial Day Quest
Jun 7: RGK Meeting
Jun 9-10: EH Coronation XXVII
Jun 21: RGK Meeting
Jun 30 - Jul 1: Work Weekend
Jul 7: RGK Meeting
Jul 19: RGK Meeting

Taldak with Polearm and Shield.  For more pics click here.